We Welcome Dental Emergencies
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Patient Name
Name of Physician
Most recent physical examination
1. Hospitalization for illness or injury?YesNo
2. An allergic or bad reaction to any of the following: YesNo
3. Heart problems, or cardiac stent within the last six months?YesNo
4. Artificial heart valve, repaired heart defect (PFO)?YesNo
5. Pacemaker or implantable defibrillator? YesNo
6. Orthopedic or soft tissue implant (e.g joint replacement, breast implant)? YesNo
7. Heart murmur?YesNo
8. Rheumatic or scarlet fever?YesNo
9. High blood pressure?YesNo
10. Low blood pressure?YesNo
11. Stroke (taking blood thinners)?YesNo
12. Anemia or other blood disorder? YesNo
13. Kidney disease?YesNo
14. Liver disease or jaundice? YesNo
15. Thyroid, parathyroid disease, or calcium deficiency? YesNo
16. Diabetes? (if yes which type) YesNo
17. viral infections and cold sores YesNo
18. Hepatitis? (if yes which type) YesNo
19. HIV/AIDS? YesNo
20. Radiation therapy, cancer, or chemotherapy? YesNo
21. Presently being treated for any other illness? YesNo
22. A smoker?YesNo
23. Taking birth control pills? YesNo
24. Currently pregnant? YesNo
25. Currently nursing? YesNo
Describe any current medical treatment, impending surgery, genetic/development delay, or other treatment that may possibly affect your dental treatment. (i.e. Collagen Injections)
List all medications, supplements, and or vitamins taken within the last two years
Drug & Purpose 1
Drug & Purpose 2
Drug & Purpose 3
Drug & Purpose 4
Patient’s Signature
Date Signed